Home > Gulf Oil Spill > Gulf Oil Spill: The Moment of Mass Awakening Has Begun–The True Enemies of All Earth People Have Caused The Gulf Oil Spill

Gulf Oil Spill: The Moment of Mass Awakening Has Begun–The True Enemies of All Earth People Have Caused The Gulf Oil Spill

The Gulf Oil Spill is a critical event in the History of Humanity and of Our Earth. There are those who would like to see Our Earth Mother destroyed. But there are more of US now. We Are The Awakened Ones, and WE have the Inner Power to Heal our Mother Earth.

If the Gulf Oil Spill causes one positive thing, it will be to catalyze The Great Awakening. We must Unite in the Great Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Humanity! Our Mother Earth is being attacked and assaulted as I write this. She is bleeding out. She Needs Your Unconditional Love.  Meditate and send Love To Her.

Humanity must Unite NOW to help her. She is dying. We were originally the Stewards of the Earth and now, our sea creatures are dying horrible deaths. Yet WE have allowed this to happen by accepting our status-driven lives. Just ask yourself this question: what is more important to me, my current lifestyle, or the Home Planet I live that lifestyle on? The answer should be obvious to you. We cannot continue our superficial, materialistic, money driven lives if WE allow our Home Planet to be murdered by the likes of BP and the global elite.

So let’s stop this now. Realize your inner power to connect with the Universe and with Earth. Use your Inner Power before it’s too late! I implore you to note that You Are Part of the Earth. By accepting Her destruction you are accepting your own.

Stop buying into the System. Let’s Unify and bring down the System from within.

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  1. June 1, 2010 at 12:44 am

    thank you,I am in so much pain for our planet and pray more people think like us.blessings

  2. July 8, 2010 at 6:14 am

    Tell me more abouth this Global Elite.

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